There are always going to be different opinions on how long you should meditate for. Let’s face the facts, life is busy. Who has time for 45 minutes to an hour to meditate? Despite that being good for you and keeping your life on track, many of us can’t make that happen.

I would suggest if you have the time to fit in 5 minutes when first waking up, this can set an amazing tone for your day!

Here is a quick guided meditation for you to get you started!

If you don’t have time for a video but still wanted to do a quick meditation, here is how you get started!

  1. Sit or lie comfortably.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.
  4. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the movement of your body as you breathe. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage, and belly. Simply focus your attention on your breath without controlling its pace or intensity. If your mind wanders, return your focus back to your breath.

Maintain this meditation practice for two to three minutes to start, and then try it for longer periods. 

1 Comment

Dee · March 12, 2021 at 6:50 am

5 minutes is perfectly doable and such an easy way to incorporate meditation into your day! Thank you for the amazing meditation session.

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