I truly believe that we are all psychic. We all have the ability to see into the future. Whether its a few minutes ahead to better prepare ourselves, or if our guides provide insight that allow us to choose the right direction.

Although we are all born with the ability, over time we tend to shut it off, or start to think of the signs we see or are just coincidence. Even when it lines up and you’re thinking “wow I knew this would happen” we still second guess what comes in!

What if I told you, starting to open up your abilities again is just a matter of tuning back in? I know, easier said than done right? Here is a quick visualization to signal to your guides that your open and ready. They will find ways to put opportunities in your path that will continue to increase the abilities that you have.

Take into consideration that no two psychics are alike. Our life experiences are always going to be different, the messages we receive from our guides will be tailored to those experiences so we can interpret the images better not only for ourselves but potential clients.

Just as there is more than one psychic ability, you will find that one area will be stronger and more developed than someone else. Does not mean that you can’t work on other psychic abilities, just means one will be easier for you than the others.


I want you to find a quiet place. Sitting with your legs straight and not crossed, hands in your lap with your palms facing up. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

I want you to picture an eye ball on your forehead. Just above your brow lines and in the centre. You will visualize your third eye opening, and then blinking a few times. This will signal to your guides that you’re ready and willing to listen.

If you are feeling over whelmed (which can happen if your empathic ability is really heightened) visualize your third eye closing and remaining closed. This might give you a bit of time to re-centre yourself!


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