Did you know your guides do their best to communicate with you? Although they can’t actually just give you the answer to what you seek, they do try and guide you in ways that are allowed.

Often this means little hints. Signs and symbols are left around for you to find. Things that might not mean anything to anyone else, but when you see it, it’s something you will understand immediately!

For example, let’s say your problem is related to money. You want to purchase something but your not entirely sure that the timing is right and it’s stressing you out. You ask your guides for a sign to let you know which direction you should go.

Let’s say the next day you’re out and about and you see a penny on the ground. You might interpret this to mean “penny saved” and an indication that you should SAVE your money and not make the purchase. (if you were to have seen a penny on the ground and it meant “penny from heaven” to you, your guides would not utilize this as a sign for you. It’s customized to you!)

Your guides will do what they can to ensure you get the message and will utilize your life experiences to ensure you understand exactly what you need to do! Too many people see these signs and second guess them, even though they asked for help and that they wanted to see signs!

Have you noticed the signs that your guides leave for you?


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