I love providing readings to my clients. Giving them insight into their life and how they can not only make things better but to also better understand what is happening and why. Let me tell you what happened, and how I met my second Spirit Guide.

I had been providing readings for FREE. Yes.. FREE. Completely full indepth – the whole shebang! I wanted to help as many people as I could possibly help. I never anticipated the amount of emails that would come in every day. Clients looking for that little glimmer of home. I knew I could provide that. I took pride in being able to do that and put so much time and effort into it. Add in that I had a full time job and a young child when I got started. It got to the point where I couldn’t keep up. I was falling behind and feeling miserable about it. I do not like to disappoint anyone. I started receiving emails from people, MAD that I hadn’t sent their free reading. These emails were not kind.

I took the night off from replying to emails and I remember clear as day sitting on the corner of my near, near tears. Thinking that I needed to stop doing readings. That I couldn’t keep everyone happy and perhaps this was not for me. It was then, for the very first time I met my secondary Guide Serlina. Her hair black and curly, just past her shoulders, slender build and wearing a black lace dress. She reminded me of a gypsy but was so kind. She said “You can’t give up. Your needed”. These words although not spoken out loud have stuck with me over the years. I was given this gift to share with others. To help in whatever way I can. Although I have started to charge for my readings I still do provide free reading contests frequently on my page where you can enter to win.

Although Serlina is my Spirit Guide for only matters relating to my Spiritual Side and the journey that I am taking with it, she came at the right moment to help me when I needed it. Your guides will be there for you too.

I’d love to hear your thoughts/comments below.


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