I want to tell you about a dream I had. I wonder if others here have had the same, and this would lead to a fun event to try and connect with the other side. (it’s a long post, but I think worth the read!)

My mom passed away March 8, 2010. I was 33 years old, and as I am 43 years old now, I realize how thankful I am that I got to spend 33 years with her. Her husband passed away June 17th, 2017. The day I turned 40.

I have been thinking of them both a lot lately. Often asking them for guidance as I know our loved ones can leave messages for us especially through dreams or in signs. (Since asking, there have been dimes everywhere, which to me is an indication they are listening!).

My dream on the other hand was hard for me. Here is what happened.

DREAM: I received a phone call. It was from my mom. In my dream, I thought she was dead. I knew it. But the dream me was so thankful to hear from her, all reason seemed to go out of the window. How could this be? How could I be talking to her on the phone. She told me that her and Gord (Her husband) didn’t actually die, they just went somewhere else (moved in the dream) and didn’t want people to know they were alive anymore. That they were together. Of course dream me is hurt, like how could they lead us to believe this entire time that they were dead and have just been here all along.

She then tells me that she has to have surgery and for me to call her the next day at 6:45. I agree and say goodbye, and then wonder if I should be telling my sister, and Gord’s family that he isn’t dead, and that they just moved away.

It’s then that I woke up. It’s hard. Hearing her voice again was so nice, but these visits are hard because you are so thankful that they aren’t dead, only to wake up again realizing that they are not actually physically here.

What is the message from the dream? A reminder that our loved ones are not “dead” but just “moved on”. Their body may no longer be here, but their soul lives on and that’s the message they continue to hammer home.

I have had a few of these dreams now, where my mom has told me if I just waited a few more days to cremate her, she was coming back.. (She had already had “moved on” now for almost a week, so obviously that wouldn’t have happened) To another dream that I had run into my mom at a restaurant with her new family…

As I sit here and type this out, and obviously feeling emotional (and yes crying haha) I thought, what if the number 645 had further meaning.. and decided to google “angel number 645”.

Heavenly presence is manifested by number meaning 645. This represents the angels, fairies, guardian angels and heavenly beings. The occurrence of 645 is a sign that they are watching you. They want you to take the right direction in life.

What are your thoughts? Have you had any dreams of your loved ones who have “moved on”?

I am going to be doing a have event with the people in my facebook group. Working on connecting to our loved ones. Learning how to open up your own gifts for this area. If your interested in opening your own psychic abilities, join our private group on facebook


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